What is LIHEAP and WAP and MEAP? 


Like all sectors, the energy assistance sector is full of acronyms and programs.  Learn about the Basics of Energy Assistance so that you can be informed and help educate members of our community why these programs are so important.

Monica Martinez

Spokesperson for the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm

Our Leadership

join us

Leaves are starting to fall and the cold winter months will be upon us sooner than we realize.  Find out more about Heating Assistance Information so that you can be best educated to help yourself, neighbors, friends, and family in need.

Energy assistance isn't seasonal, which is why our year-round efforts gets so much attention. Join our efforts and become an informed citizen to help ensure that no family, child, or vulnerable household is without essential energy services.

ACTfor those in  need

Our Mission

Zoe Alhstrom

Vice- Chair of the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm 

Be in the Know

get educated now

The Basics of Energy Assistance

Winter awareness

Coalition in Action

  • Supporting efforts of members
  • Annual report
  • Political action in Washington, D.C.
  • Testimony in Michigan
  • Education on energy affordability
  • Collaborative efforts for solutions
  • Why energy assistance is needed
  • Public-Private-State Partnerships


in winter

Locally and nationally, the Coalition to Keep Michigan Warm is a vocal advocate for the low income energy households. Our members represent every corner of our state.  Children, fixed income households, and vulnerable families need our efforts to ensure their voice is heard. 

Patrick Leahy

Chair of the Coalition of Keep Michigan Warm 

Many actions are being undertaken to assist those in need.  Stay up to date with all of the actions and activities being undertaken by those who serve Michigan's most vulnerable.  

Click below to find out about all the latest COVID-19 actions that are happening in Michigan.


Basicenergy help