If you are a senior, call your utility and let them know.  There may be certain protections for seniors or those customers with medical conditions.

Home heating credit

Apply for the Home Heating Credit, which must be postmarked by September 30.


Watch your usage.  Winter heating bills are always a surprise.  Rather than turning up the thermostat, grab a sweater.  This is also a good time to check weather stripping on windows and change the furnace filter.  Believe it or not, even getting the dust bunnies off the refrigerator can be helpful.


Most of all be safe.  If you are using alternative energy sources to heat your home, remember that generators must be run outside the home and attached garages.  Also, any open flames act like campfires which belong outdoors.

Cold weather is just around the corner.  Now is the time to take a moment and ensure that all of Michigan households are winter prepared.  In addition, non-profit agencies are anticipating a delayed start to energy assistance programs this fall.  Here are a few helpful action items for those on limited income budgets to help them make it through.